Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ch. 2 Reflection - Bryan Pechtl

Chapter 2 Reflection

Ideas or learnings of interest (3):

The first thing that really grabbed my attention was the fact that not only do we have the responsibility to teach the subject matter, but we have to be proficient in such things as different operating systems (Mac vs. PC). It’s not just DVD players and projectors anymore. When I was completing my undergrad literally a few years ago, I suggested to the department chair to have a series of required workshops or a once per week class that taught pre-service teachers how to use the new programs and familiarize themselves with those programs. I don’t know if it was done, but he did seem interested.

Second, the book, on page 22, discusses NETS.T Standard II, planning and designing learning experiences. In my own experience, it’s not like I sit down and carefully list out as the authors list, but I do evaluate each point they listed. I guess it’s the experience of having tried some methods with students. Most appears to me to be common sense. For example, ‘consider the learners’ and their computer access outside of school. I’ve already discussed this in my chapter one posting. Second, ‘consider various technology resources’. I try to use a number of resources that I do have, from types of programming to video assignments that the students conduct. Closely tied to that is ‘plan strategies for student learning’. The idea here of course being to manage time so there isn’t wasted opportunities for learning.

The third item from Chapter 2 that I found interesting was how much freedom we have, currently, to design our instruction when compared to the rest of the world, which tend to have national standards versus our own. I have a feeling that within the next ten or so years we will have more national control over the standards. At that point, I hope they use those already established by organizations such as the National Council of Social Studies, mostly because I’m familiar with them, but why re-invent the wheel?

Two new ideas for integrating tech (2):

First, after reading the sample tornado unit, I thought that I could partner up with my science teacher and perhaps we could team up for a similar style lesson. He could focus on the science of a topic such as a tornado, while my students could research the impact of a major event. Our two groups could then meld that research into an electronic presentation, such as a Power Point to share.

Second, to make sure student learning is directed in a more focused manner, I’ll have to continue to use and design webquests that are quite succinct in their directions. Students tend to suffer from distraction easily, and it’s up to me to keep them as focused as possible to ensure successful completion of quality materials.

One point of concern for integrating tech (1):

The concern for me with the integration of technology is the learning curve of. I’m reasonably adept at technology, but it is a challenge for me to keep up on new trends that I might not have access to that could perhaps really enhance my instruction and student learning. Of course, that’s a reason for taking the course!

1 comment:

  1. Bryan,
    I don't know how teachers keep up with all the latest technologies and applications! I guess by taking courses in which you explore!
    Thank you for your great ideas for classroom projects- teaming up with another teacher seems to put more emphasis on the entire project!
