Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Chapter one posted by Jamie Pool

Reading Chapter One, Teaching in the Twenty-First Century gave me great insight on the importance of teaching technology in society today. One of the very interesting points that I learned by reading this chapter is how technology is defined. When I think about technology, the first idea that pops into my head is computers, the internet, and cell phones. Reading this chapter brought me back, by helping me understand what technology means in our world today. There are so many different ways that are effective when using technology in the classroom. For example, using a BLOG for home to school connection is an idea that creates a more defined atmosphere for learning. Before I read this chapter, I already felt that I hade a great home to school connection with the families of my students, however I learned I could make this home to school connection more accessible.
As much as I thought that I was aware of the importance of technology, reading about how valuable it is for our students in this day in age helped validate my understanding. Being able to prepare my students for the future is essential. They need to be able to participate in society by using technology effectively. As a teacher, I need to be able to understand what I need to know to teach the information successfully to my students.
Lastly, the pedagogical content knowledge for teaching with technology is an idea that is very interesting and important to me. Integrating the three domains in the classroom for student learning emphasizes the growth and development for technology. I believe teaching the foundation while using the reasoning process to connect multiple concepts will help students make significant growth in technology.
As a new teacher in third grade, I hope to integrate the three domains when I am preparing lessons. I believe this is very important for the education of my students. Combining subject matter content, technology, and learning are important ideas that is essential for teachers who want to incorporate technology in the classroom.
Another idea I would like to integrate into my classroom, is when going to the computer lab having students look at primary sources for content matter that we are studying in the classroom. For third grade, it would beneficial for students to look at primary sources and compare them to secondary sources. They could look at and compare the similarities and differences in the sources. I think this would give students a better understanding of what to look for when researching a topic.
When teaching technology, I am concerned about how much access as a school we have for our students. Only having one computer lab really eliminates how much time we are able to spend on technology. My hope is that this class is going to inspire me to want to better educate my students with new technological research.


  1. Jamie,

    I share your concern with the limitations we have in the accessibilty of technology. It is really difficult to expose our students to the tools we don't have in our schools or have limitations on. I would think that schools are going to have to come up with funding that will allow us to have more access to computers and other appropriate forms of technolgy. If our students are going to be expected to be knowledgeable users of technolgy than we are going to somehow have to provide this education to them. This is hard to do in times when school budgets are also limited or even shrinking.

  2. Jamie, I especially enjoyed your comments-"reading about how valuable it is for our students in this day in age helped validate my understanding. Being able to prepare my students for the future is essential. They need to be able to participate in society by using technology effectively." Thank you for validating the true reason for integrating technology into the classroom!
    8/8 Excellent reflection
