Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Jennifer Atkinson, Week 1, Chapter 1 Reflection

Three ideas or learnings from Chapter One

While reading chapter one in Guiding Learning with Technology (Niess, Lee, Kajder, 2007), several ideas caught my attention. One was comparing teachers to digital immigrants and our students to digital natives (p. 4). My students have been exposed to a variety of technology their whole lives. They are growing up surrounded by technology at home, friends’ or relatives’ houses, and school. Teachers have had to learn to change with the changing technology. Teachers need to keep up with what the students are exposed to and what the students know. Another main point from chapter one is the knowledge necessary for teaching in the twenty-first century. Teachers need to know their subject matter content, how teaching and learning happen, and technology (p. 6). It is not enough to know the content and know about teaching and learning; teachers need to be able to integrate technology into lessons. It is not okay for teachers to be teaching the same way they were taught. Times and technology are changing, so the way material is presented needs to change, too. Thirdly, an interesting way for teachers to start integrating technology is through theme or unit ideas. For teachers unsure of where to start integrating technology, it would be helpful to look at some main themes or units that they teach. Then, explore how and what technology can support that content and be an engaging way for students to be exposed to the information.

Two new ideas for integrating technology

For integrating technology in my classroom, I am thinking of more ways to have students engaged in the learning with technology. In the spring, they write Animal Reports. Students could explore certain websites to research their animal and gather information for their paper. Before the students started to research, I would look over several websites to guide students to. I would model on the laptop projector some basic tips for navigating specific sites. The students would have time to research and gather information about their animal. Then, another way to integrate technology would be to have the students use concept mapping software (p. 9) to tell about their animal. They would take their notes from their research and write the report about their animal using a program on the computer. My students would really enjoy using the computer throughout the writing process.

One concern about integrating technology

One concern I have for integrating technology is the availability of it for my students. It is hard for me to get all of my students on a computer at the same time to do a project. My classroom has two computers. The school has a computer lab, but scheduling time in there is tricky with all the other classes scheduling time in there as well.


  1. Jennifer,
    I agree with your statement about keeping up with technology and the challenges we face. At times it can seem overwhelming to ensure we’re providing quality instruction in a way that students will grasp the concepts and knowledge. Now, administrators also want us to use technology -which is a fantastic tool – but the resources for our own training is lacking. We can get all the computers and Smart Boards in the world, but if there isn’t adequate training in the use of either, it is money spent for nothing. Instead of using our PIR days doing a book review, it would make more sense to take that time to teach everyone how to use the technology resources that we have, and at our school, we’re pretty fortunate to have several, including a lab with a Smart Board. However, in order for me to use it, I have to get the training on my own. Strangely, administrators are mystified as to why so few people utilize this resource.

  2. Jennifer,
    Watching elementary teachers in the classroom I am amazed at what a wonderful job most of them do teaching themes or units and providing stations for their students. Even with two computers you could create a computer station, and have links already set up so students don't have to do the searching portion, but are just able to use the resources. Have you thought about teaming up with another grade in the computer lab. I know my students love to share what they know with younger students, and it reinforces learning for all.

  3. Sharing the computer lab with say reading buddies is such a great idea. Then the younger kids get more guidance and the older kids get the chance to be the teacher with technology. I teach third grade and we are involved with a kindergarten room. This is a valuable activity. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Jennifer, Your comments are great! "It is not okay for teachers to be teaching the same way they were taught. Times and technology are changing, so the way material is presented needs to change, too." I have students who say that technology is too prevalent in the schools and that they don't think they should have to use it! I will share your ideas with them!
    8/8 Terrific reflection! Thank you for sharing your ideas and thoughts!
