Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Lore Sampson's Chapter 2 Reflection

After reading Chapter 2 Guiding Learning with Technology, I learned about the technology standards for teachers. I found these standards to be interesting and easy to understand. The first standard directs teachers to gain an in-depth understanding of concepts relating to technology and to continue to learn about new emerging technologies. The next standard I learned about encourages teachers to design an environment supported by technologies. The third standard I would like to mention is teachers need to develop curriculum plans that included strategies for learning by applying technology to maximize student learning. I though that these standards are a great guide for teachers beginning to implement technology with their classroom.

The first idea I have to integrate technology for student learning in my classroom is to get a smart board. The second idea I have is using the smart board to teach all content areas.

The concern I have after reading this chapter is being able to provide my students with access to the most recent technology available and being knowledgeable in the technology to teach it effectively.


  1. Lore,
    I want a smartboard too! I am going to use this avenue to express my frustration with my school's tech-plan. We just built a highschool connected to our campus along with an addition of five new rooms to our existing elementary school. Our administrator considers all of these new additions her 'baby', essentially her masterplan. She hired the new teachers, and ensured that all the new classrooms (the new educators rooms as well) were equipped with an ceiling mounted LCD projector and smartboards. Leaving us, those that have been around, with dry-erase boards and access to the shared tech-lab. Lame.

  2. Lore, oh those SmartBoards are great tools to use to invite interactivity with students! Check out the webinar in our D2L content area- resources. Perhaps you can share some of the ideas with the "powers that be" and they can help with funding! I always think we should think big!
    Good job on this reflection!
