Friday, December 11, 2009

Alicia McEwen's Chapter 9 Reflection

After reading chapter 9, I realize even more that there is so much about technology that I am unaware of or don't understand. I had no idea what HTML or http represented. I thought it was interesting to read about webpages and how they are created. This chapter left me thinking about how truly amazing the Internet really is! It's incredible that the internet is full of so much information that can be shared world wide! Thirty years ago who would have imagined that with a few steps you could create a webpage full of your information that could be shared with people all over the world!

This chapter has inspired me to try and create a webpage for my classroom news and information. I know many schools have all their teachers create these. At the school I teach at, I believe there are only two teachers that have their own page. I think classroom webpages are great in the fact that parents and students can easily access class information.
I know that some teachers post homework assignments and access to students' current grades. My plan is to start simple by posting monthly newsletters and other announcements.

My concern with the rapidly increasing use of technology is that I'm worried kids aren't going to know how to properly communicate with paper and pencil. As I say this, I also wonder if it's even going to even have to be necessary to do so.

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited that you want to learn even more technology! The google sites that we use for our wiki is a free space to put your web pages for your class!! Also, you can download free Seamonkey web page editing program if you want to create your own html pages. Let me know, I have directions!
    Thank you for your thoughts! Joan
