Thursday, December 10, 2009

Jennifer Burke's Chapter 10 Reflection

1 Idea or Learning
It is insane to me how fast technology changes. So much of our daily lives revolve around technology. How does one keep up? I sometimes think we, educators, are losing sight of other, possibly more important, parts of education because of the push for teaching so much technology. I understand the importance of learning technology;that is the way our world is evolving. Although, fostering healthy relationships and social adaptation is more important in my mind.

1 Idea for Integration
It would be interesting to create a time line with the students showing how technology has changed just in their parents' life time. In the last 30 years so much has changed, it is almost difficult to really fathom.

1 Concern
My main concern is technology taking place of playing outside and families communicating. How many children go home and play video games after school? How many families watch television while eating? In addition, obesity seems to be a result of some forms of technology.


  1. I agree with your concern about how fast tech is changing and how much we actually need to focus on it. I was visiting with my principal and he had the same concerns. Is the technology actually helping the student learn or is it there as a mere novelty? That is a valid question that I often find myself asking, and I try to ensure that the technology does lead to actual learning. Sometimes, though, I might be the only teacher capable of teaching the students about a new program, and if I feel that it's an important program to master, than even if it might seem a bit novel, I'll do it anyway. I like to think that someday they may use what they've learned from that instruction.

  2. I also agree with your concern. As I was reading your post, I had very similar thoughts going through my mind. It makes me sad when some of my kiddos would rather stay in to play on the computer than go outside and play. The funny thing is, is that I remember being a kid and having older people say to me the good old "when I was a kid..." sayings. Perhaps the comparisons we make to our students generations to ours is similar to how it's always been. Each generation has seen major changes in some forms or the other. Now we are just on the other end... Thanks for your thoughts.

  3. Sorry, Alicia McEwen posted this previous comment.

  4. Jennifer, as you read, we all have similar concerns. However, don't forget the research you and others did to reinforce the fact that technology does enhance learning and motivation. However, you choose when to use it and when not to. I don't think there is time to include technology in everything we do with students. Socially, I think the internet has opened up discussion/social places for those who do not do so often in the physical world, but I too, worry about kids going home to a "second life" type world in the air! It will certainly be interesting these next ten years! JOAN

  5. Jennifer,
    I have always struggled with the amount of time I should spend teaching technology. The fact that kids already spend, on average, 40 hours/week in front of a screen of some sort is always lurking in my mind. I believe it is all about balance, if we can provide opportunities for students to find a connection with the outdoors and encourage them to not lose this connection, I think they will naturally find a balance between the two worlds.

  6. The above comment was made by Kate Wampler
