Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Jennifer Atkinson, Chapter 10 Reflection

Idea or learning
The big idea I took from Chapter 10, Responding to Emerging Technologies, is that teachers need to accept new technology. Teachers are critical to if emerging technology gets accepted and taught in the schools. The book states, “teachers’ thinking does need to be from a professional position that involves investigation of the emerging technologies, an attitude that involves ongoing evaluation and reflection about the tool for educational purposes” (Niess, Lee, Kajder, 2007, p. 219). If the new technology will enhance student learning and give them skills needed in the “real world” then teachers should be incorporating this technology into lessons.

New idea for integrating technology
I have found through the course of this class, I am using more technology in my teaching. My idea for integrating technology is to think outside the box and try incorporating technology more often, especially in lessons that I have not used technology in the past. There is a variety of technology I could expose my third graders to. It depends on the curriculum content and the technology available to me. My students are really enjoying using technology for learning in a variety of subjects.

My concern is the lack of training that I have. The students love when we use technology, but I find it does take a lot more planning time on my part because I am still learning some of the technology, too. There have been challenges that come up in lessons, because the technology is new to me. But, the students are great problem solvers and learn right along with me.


  1. Jennifer,
    I can relate to your concern. Especially when teaching students how to do an activity for the first time. I find that it helps having a parent helper during computers. This allows you to be able to help more students. At the beginning of the year just teaching my second graders how to login was stressful and chaotic. I have also run into challenges when teaching technology I think the best plan is to have a backup plan.
    Lore Sampson

  2. My kindergarten students are also very excited about technology. I concur with your time concern. It seems there are often set backs because of various problems. Yes, the training is also an issue. I have had some training, but little compared to the whole. This class has helped introduce technologies. In addition, the book and peers comments have helped me recognize where, when, and how technology can be integrated. I have a feeling there will be more technology professional development in the near future. Jennifer Burke
