Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Lore Sampson's Chapter 10 Reflection

New Idea
After reading chapter 10 Responding to Emerging Technology, I learned that teachers need to be proactive toward learning about new emerging technologies and integrating this knowledge within their teaching. The chapter discusses using calculators, blogs and podcasts to enhance student learning. I think it is important for students to use calculators to increase knowledge of a certain subject and to be taught how to use advanced calculators. Equally as important is that students don’t come to dependent on calculators to do simple math problems. I think that teaching students how to use blogs and podcasts is a great way to motivate students to learn subject areas. In addition to this, I feel it is important for students to understand how to safely use this technology. I think technology is expanding and is giving students of today opportunities to learn outside the classroom and that teachers of today must stay current in order to teach students how to learn with technology.

Idea for integration
The idea I have for integrating technology within my classroom is to create blogs students can use to journal their writing.

My concern with using blogs is having parent permission to allow their child's writing to be posted in a blog on the web. In relation to this, I am a little apprehensive in posting young children’s writing on the web.

1 comment:

  1. Lore,
    Teachers do need to be integrating technology into lessons. It is important for students to learn how to apply technology skills at school and home. These skills can help them in the "real world". I have the same concern as you, I also teach elementary. For now, students use technology to create projects, but not post on the internet.
    Jennifer Atkinson
