Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ch. 9 Reflection - Bryan Pechtl

The main idea for me from Chapter 9 is that I know very little about most of what was discussed!! I’ve only ever had little workshops that focused a fraction of their time on HTML and the code that needs to be typed in to get things to happen or look the way they do on a web page. It truly is another language that developers learn.
New ideas for integrating technology: I can see where having students develop a web page based on Google sites would be an interesting project that students would be very excited to share with their parents at home. In January, after the Christmas break, I’m probably going to integrate a student-created web page project in a class or two to see how that turns out. I think my 7th and 8th grade students would be quite excited about it.
My main concern about material covered in this section is fitting it into my schedule and topic. Our text talks, on page 200, about a class that creates a web page about weather that includes a photo and all relevant information. If it’s a simple Google-based web page, not a problem, as Google has made this quite simple. However, if we’re talking about creating a web page in HTML, that’s out of my league and would require a class in programming, something which I don’t have the time to do. That type of work, I feel, should be relegated to a computer programming class.

1 comment:

  1. Bryan,
    This chapter was a lot of new information to me, too. I could see me developing a class web page, but I can't see my 3rd graders creating one. I am thinking I could set up a web page, then students could give input on things we should include on the page. I agree with your comment that some of these technology lessons should be taught in a computer class. I try to introduce my students to a lot of technology. However, I do not have all the time and resources necessary to do some technology lessons. Jennifer Atkinson
