Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Jennifer Atkinson, Chapter 9 Reflection

Idea or learning
The big idea I took from Chapter 9, Hypermedia and Web Authoring, is the different skills students need in the 21st century. I like the idea of the Literacy Maps, “these maps describe skills, tools, and sample student outcomes to assist educators in developing lesson plans that incorporate learning skills critical for success with twenty-first century tools” (Niess, Lee, Kajder, 2007, p. 195). It is important that teachers start to change some of the ways they teach to meet the needs of 21st century students. Students need different skills in the “real world” than they use to, so lessons should be changing, too.

New idea for integrating technology
My new technology idea is pretty simple, but I teach students with little computer knowledge. I am going to show my students how to bookmark favorite websites. Even though this seems like such a simple idea, many of my students do not know how to do this. Early in this course, we discussed making sure students have the basic computer knowledge necessary to do an assignment on the computer. This would be one tip that is so simple, but maybe nobody has ever shown them how to do it. In the spring, my students use the internet to research animals. They could help each other by bookmarking good animal sites.

One of my concerns about using technology in the classroom is making sure the information students take off the internet is credible. I think this will be challenging to students who are just beginning to use the internet to find information. First, they have to figure out how to research on the computer. Then, they have to know how to ask questions and determine if the source is reliable and credible or not. This will take a lot of modeling and discussing at the beginning. I think just making students aware that anyone can post anything on the internet is important. Hopefully, students will take the time to make sure the site is reputable when gathering information.

1 comment:

  1. Bookmarks are something that some of my 7th grade students still do not use or understand. It can be such a great tool especially if the task of having them go to a site like delicious is too difficult. I have set up a series of of bookmarks and then exported them to each of the computers so that the only had to click down the list. This can save the time of having students type in hyperlinks.
    In regards to your concern, I am not sure of how teachers assigning research papers deal with Wikipedia. I see so many students in my lab using it, they can't reference it, so I am not sure why they use it.

    Michael Wagner
