Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Michael Wagner's Chapter 8 Post

This chapter has the nuts and bolts of the whole book or at least the ideas I like most. I downloaded the Storyboard Solution software from the text. I have not spent a whole lot of time in it, so far it is a little hard to understand and read. I like the idea of having a way for students to organize their ideas before starting a video. In my little experience of video production, students seem to get excited about the video and forget about the planning. They soon realize that things are not going so smoothly and they lose interest. Many of my standards for my subject area are on having students design and plan before construction. This is a good example. The chapter had a good breakdown of making a movie which is something I can use for my lesson planning.
I would like to better implement movie production in my class. The high interest level to students, the needed preplanning, and the great organization of gained knowledge are all good reasons to use videos. In project based learning it is difficult at times to have students give a good summary of what they have learned. Videos force them to in an interesting way to demonstrate lessons and processes learned.
I continue to come back to the same concern I have with technology, time. Like many of these technologies it takes time to teach the technology before you can have the students use it. At times I have had students that have already used movie making software which allows for the lesson to move on without the instructional time for the software or sometimes students want to know how to use the software so the instruction is easy. However, other times, there may be low student motivation, preknowledge, or interest and that makes teaching the software a more difficult and extensive process . I was thinking the other day about the lengthy time for technology education and that if other teachers were able to utilize technology more, the more students would know coming into class which would open a lot of classtime for projects .


  1. Michael,
    I share your concern about having enough time to teach students how to use the technology first before you can effectively use it to create movies or presentations. I think that it would be great if students in early education were offered computer classes with an actual technology teacher. I think if this was a possibility students might increase their knowledge of and skills using computers. Lore S.

  2. Gardiner does have a part time instructor at the elementary level that teaches basic computer literacy. I believe my classes benefit greatly from here teaching. I don't have to explain to my 7th graders how to make a folder, use Word, etc.
