Thursday, December 3, 2009

Lore Sampson's Chapter 8 Reflection

New Idea
I liked how this chapter described in detail the best way to guide students in using multimedia. Students worked together as a group to create a movie. The objective for this lesson was to increase student’s knowledge of language while learning to use technology. I learned that multimedia could be used as a productive tool, a communication tool, a research tool, problem solving devise and a decision making tool. I think that using multimedia as a research tool would be a great way for students to gather information on a particular topic while learning about technology.

Idea for integration
The idea have for integrating multimedia within science would be to have my students research the lifecycle of a frog then I would have them work together in groups to use the information they found to create a digital story.

My concern after learning about multimedia is being able to simplify the instruction to be used by early elementary students. In addition to this, I worry about having enough access to computers to complete this type of project with my students.

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