Saturday, December 5, 2009

Dave Neal, Week Six, Chapter Seven Reflection

One idea that is of interest to me:
Threaded discussions are of interest to me. I believe that creating an internet-based document (perhaps google docs) in which the class can contribute to at home, or at school from the tech-lab. Again, my concern with implementing technology like this is student-availability. One thing that I think would be helpful would be to take a survey at the beginning of the schoolyear (actually, it is never too late to do this) to find out what kind of computer access each student has at home. Do they have internet access? If fast is their internet connection. This knowledge would greatly impact the options for homework activities.

One idea for integrating technology for student learning in my classroom:
I really like the idea in technology link 7.2, finding pen pals around the world. My homeroom has had pen pals with another class around the world. It is a great opportunity for the kids in the small town of Big Sky to find out what it is like outside of our little bubble. The problem for me is that pen pals require quite a bit of organization and work. The beautiful thing about the link provided here is that it eliminates the paper trail, envelopes, stamps, and the time that it takes for letters to be delivered. This is something that I would like to look into.

One concern for integrating technology for student learning in my classroom:
I have thought about teaching my class how to open an email account. I often think about how much paper that I waste during daily/weekly assignments. If all students had email accounts, we could email assignments and reduce quite a bit of waste and learn about technology in the meantime. My concern is that I have run into parents of past students that do not feel that their kids are ready or responsible enough to have their own email account. I am curious to know what your thoughts are regarding young children with email accounts. How old do you think children should be before they open their first email account?

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