Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Lore Sampson's Chapter 9 Reflection

New Idea
After reading the chapter on Hypermedia and Web Authoring I have gained more knowledge on the basic production of a web page as well as a better understanding of web page vocabulary such as HTML and its functions. I learned that web pages need to go through three phases’ preproduction, production, and publishing. I like how this chapter gives guidelines to help produce a web page such as maintaining consistency throughout the pages in respect to background, color, navigational buts and general format. In addition to keeping the web page consistent the creator needs to remember to not use too many media elements that may distract from the message. Other helpful hints include limiting the amount of graphics, movies, and text on the page. It is also important to preview each page on various web browsers because the page can look different. This chapter has been helpful to me because I learned background knowledge on the development of web pages and how important hypertext can be when creating web pages and exploring the web.

Idea for integration
My idea for integrating this into my teaching would include having my students explore using hypertexts when researching a topic on a reliable website.

My concern after reading this chapter is creating web pages with second grade students. I think creating web pages with young students would be very difficult. I would consider doing this task as a whole group activity after I became more familiar with creating web pages myself. I would like to create a class web page and the students could help with the brainstorming of the preproduction phase


  1. Hey Lore,
    I have my 8th grade students create web pages, but they are in a technology class and we spend a great deal of time learning the program, editing and revising, before we actually post up a page. I think it is commendable that you would try that with a second grade class. I know that our parents and students have come to rely on our teacher web pages as a source of information. I bet your students would enjoy the preproduction phase. Have fun creating a page.
    Cathy Ziebarth

  2. I teach kindergarten and have the same concern. It is possible, as you mentioned, to create a web page together. The aforementioned activities would allow students to see basic formats. In addition, they would be more invested because of individual input. A web page create with students would be more entertaining to parents. I would like to try this towards the end of the year.
