Thursday, November 12, 2009

Alicia McEwen's Chapter 12 Reflection

Chapter 12 brings forth the idea that teachers will more likely use technology to support learning if they are knowledgeable and feel comfortable about the sources of technology. I agree with this. I think that's true in many areas of education. It just makes sense that we would teach with methods or the sources we feel confident in. Once we feel confident with these methods and sources we are more likely able to create motivating and challenging lessons.

I also agree that a teacher's enthusiasm is a key component for effective lessons and sucess in the classroom. It's very clear that students pick up on their teacher's feelings. I think this is true with all of us as learners. I know from my own learning experiences that being taught content by someone who is passionate and excited about it makes me feel more motivated and willing to learn. An enthusiastic teacher also makes the all around classroom atmosphere a more inviting, exciting place to be.

Chapter 12 reinforced the importance of reflecting on lessons. I think this is particularily important to do after newly developed lessons. Deciding what worked well and what areas could use improvement, help to improve further instruction.

One idea I had for implementing technology this week is to have my first grade class create a movie to send to their pen pals in Oregon. I think it would be fun to film the kids describing their school and hometwon in the video. We could also film parts of the school and areas of the town to enable their pen pals to actual see what my kids are describing. I think my kids would get excited to watch themselves and maybe this would motivate their pen pals' teacher to create own of their own.

Another idea I had for this week is to use the web to compare and contrast the weather in our town to another area on a regular basis. I was thinking it would be fun to compare to an area that doesn't recieve much of the seasonal changes. As we conducted comparisons and discussed why the other area doesn't recieve as much snow or cold weather, my students will acquire a better understanding of geography and it's relation to weather patterns.

A concern I have for this week is not having enough time to figure out what technolgy sources would work best for the appropraite lessons. I obviously want to teach in the most effective way for my students, but am already constantly feeling like their is not enough time to accomplish all that needs to be done within the school year.


  1. I like your idea of weather compare and contrast. I used to use a Google Earth kml file from that would do real time radar. There is weather that comes with Google Earth also, this site just seemed to be a little clearer than Google Earth. Depending on where you live in Montana you will see some great weather.

  2. Alicia, You said, "I know from my own learning experiences that being taught content by someone who is passionate and excited about it makes me feel more motivated and willing to learn. An enthusiastic teacher also makes the all around classroom atmosphere a more inviting, exciting place to be." I hope you won't mind if I share this with my students! Some of them just don't understndd that it IS the teacher's enthusiasm that carries the lesson! Also, you mentioned the necessity of becoming comfortable with technology- perhaps this is the semester to try one new thing in your classroom- try it- if it works you keep it and make it better and better each time.
    Thank you for your comments!

  3. Alicia,
    I am curious as to how often your first graders use computers in your classroom? Are they familiar with the internet? Can they perform basic searches? I teach fifth grade and my kids have definately picked up basic computer operation skills...I just wonder at what age are kids getting computer savvy.
