Friday, November 27, 2009

Lore Sampson's Chapter 6 Reflection

New Learning Idea
After reading this chapter I have learned that spreadsheets can be used as an analytical tool to analyze data and display the data in a visual format such as bar graphs, line graphs and pie graphs. This chapter suggests that spreadsheets are very versatile and can be used to teach students how to think critically using data in subject areas such as social studies, science, history, language arts and mathematics. I teach second grade and I think that using a program such as Excel would be very difficult for students at this age. The chapter describes how teachers must scaffold the instruction to meet the needs of the students. It also suggests that teachers must teach students how to use this program. I agree that teachers must demonstrate to students the basic functions of a spreadsheet program in order for students to be able to use this program for the desired results. I don’t believe that spreadsheet programs such as Excel is age appropriate for early elementary students.

Idea for integration
The idea I have for integrating spreadsheets in a second grade class would be to decide on the topic we would want to collect data on and then I would enter the data in the spreadsheet program. Next we would work together as a class to analyze the data in a pie graph or bar graph.

Concern from this chapter
My concern from reading this chapter is using spreadsheet programs with elementary students. I think that spreadsheets can be temperamental especially when it comes to creating formulas. I think that when using this program with younger students it must be taught as a whole group teacher-centered lesson.


  1. Lore,
    I know you are trying to get your hands on a SMART board. With a SMART board you can do many of the ideas that you thought might be too difficult on the SMART board. In third grade, I felt the same way, but the SMART board allows for whole group particpation. The kids love to try new ideas. There are times where I will tel them we are just exploring to see what we can figure out. Alot of the times they can teach me more than I can teach them. It is pretty cool. Jamie Pool

  2. Lore,
    I share your concern with using spreadsheets with our young students. Yes, I believe they can be capable of creating them with enough time and instruction. However, I am not sure it's necessary at this level. I want to challenge my first graders, but feel there are many other ways in which to do so that are more appropriate and essential at this level.

    Alicia McEwen

  3. Lore, I have seen simple spreadsheets used with students as a whole class activity in which they used the data to create graphs and charts to analyze. Simple spreadsheets such as m&M colors or types of pets are fun and educational when students try to analyze the pie, line, or bar graphs! A google search for spreadsheet lesson plans for elementary comes up with lots of ideas. If you have a smartboard, check and do a search on spreadsheet lessons-- it is amazing what you might find that is already prepared!
