Friday, November 27, 2009

Lore Sampson's Chapter 5 Reflection

New Learning Idea
After reading Chapter 5 –Writing and Word Processing, I learned the importance of teaching students to how use word processors to enhance writing and increase communication skills. I think as an elementary teacher it is necessary to introduce students to word processors in order for them to become comfortable using a mouse, keyboard and learn all the features a word processor entails. Elementary students have the ability to click and drag the mouse but still have difficulty locating all of the keys on a keyboard due to lack of exposure. Teachers can increase elementary students keyboarding skills by giving opportunities to practice typing.

Idea for integration
The idea I have for increasing elementary students typing skills would be to have them practice using Type to Learn which is fun and interactive program that demonstrates to the student’s proper keyboard skills and location of letters on the keyboard.

Chapter concern
The concern I have after reading this chapter is being able to have access and time in the computer lab to teach my students the many ways they can use a word processor to communicate their ideas. Ideally, this process would be a lot easier if I had a LCD projector in my room as well as 3 to 4 computers that the students could have more frequent access to technology.

1 comment:

  1. Lore,
    If we only had more time we could do soooo much! You will have to share with us, how you really get young students to learn to type! I worked with some second grade students and they had trouble knowing that the letters on the keyboard stayed in the same place after typing a word. They would start all over on the top left and go across the rows letter by letter, even if they were to type two of the same letter! It was very interesting and I am not sure when you can actually teach keyboarding. What do you think?
