Thursday, November 12, 2009

Jennifer Burke Chapter 12

3 Ideas or Learnings
  • When planning a unit or lesson, one should consider possible roles for technology. Technology could even be a pertinent tool for learning. In order to optimally utilize technology, knowledge of a myriad of technologies is necessary. Also, it is helpful to ask yourself questions how various tools can be helpful.
  • Effective lessons are organized, prepared, use a variety of strategies, show enthusiasm, and include student involvement. Looking back on past teaching experiences, I truly realize that all of the aforementioned points for effective lessons are ideal. Recently, I taught a lesson regarding Veteran's Day and utilized all 5 strategies with my lesson. I had everything ready and organized before the students came back from recess. I utilized strategies such as, compare and contrast, hands-on activities (painting flags and marching with miniature flags), showed great enthusiasm, and research internet for pictures of veterans and marches. During this entire lesson, students were involved.
  • There needs to to be plans for daily technology instruction. Objectives can be placed into three categories: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Cognitive utilizes Bloom's taxonomy and starts with basic and evolves to actual creation of the objective. Affective involves how a student feels about what is being learned. Psychomotor involves a child's motor and hand-eye skills.
2 New Ideas
  • Regarding psychomotor objectives, students will independently draw pictures of theme at hand using Kid Pix. For example: turkeys. There will hopefully be an evolution from imitation to manipulation and ending with precision.
  • Teaching actions for integrating technology will teach how to use First, I will introduce starfall and our learning objectives. Second, I will ask students questions why and how starfall will help us. Third, I will give directions and projected on the big screen I will show students how to properly use the website. The students and I will practice using the website and positively discuss progress and listening. At the end of the session, we will close by discussing what we like about the program.
1 Concern
  • I know that planning ahead is important, but is it always necessary to plan ahead with technology? I find that sometimes it feels natural to utilize the internet when we have questions during discussions.

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer, is a great site! If you could add this to our account, it could become a resource for others! Teachers do not need to plan technology into every lesson. You choose when it enhances the lesson and when it is not necessary!
    Thank you for an excellent reflection and your ideas for the classroom.
