Thursday, November 26, 2009

Alicia McEwen's Chapter 6 Reflection

New Learning Idea
I have to admit that Ii don't use spreadsheets that often with my class. I teach first grade and haven't really seen the need to integrate these into my curriculum. However, after reading chapter 6 many ideas popped into my head about how spreadsheets could be used to help my students' learning. Chapter 6 gave me the new understanding that spreadsheets can be integrated into just about every area I am currently teaching. I love the ideas of using them to track data of science experiements and using them to compare data collected from social studies issues. I learned that there is so much you can to do with spreadsheets beyond using them soley for math related purposes.
Integration Idea
In first grade our plant unit is a lot fun! We do all sorts of activities and lessons that teach the kids about plants. One common activity I do with my kids is planting sunflower seeds and watching them grow. I usually have my kids keep a daily two week journal of the changes they see happening with their plant. We record growths such as stem length and leaves. I think a great twist to this activity could be having the students choose to plant either a sunflower seed or some sort of other seed. As a class we could observe the changes as well as compare and contrast the two different seedlings and plants. I think the inclusion of a spreadsheet to track these comparisons would allow for a great learning experience. This would especially work out nicely if I had a SMARTboard or projector. However, since I don't copying the spreadsheet on a transparency and showing my kids on the overhead might be the next best thing.
My Concern
As a first grade teacher I am not sure how much I should actually be teaching my students in terms of technology. At this primary grade level I don't want to overwhelm my students. I would love to be able to learn what is necessary for me to teach at this level in terms of technology.


  1. Alicia,
    It is crazy, but when I taught kindergarten we would go to the computer lab and create a spreadsheet that consisted of a bar graph. I demonstrated on the main computer that projects to the wall and then I had students partner up and create a graph. By all means this was a very simplistic graph, but they were able to do it. I'm not sure if you study graphs in first grade, but maybe creating an activity that can include your reading buddies would be helpful. It definetly sounds like alot of information, but if you teach it the kids can do it. However, it does take lots of practice.
    Jamie Pool

  2. Alicia, I agree with Jamie that even your young students can use a spreadsheet! They really enjoy turning the data into pie charts and graphs and then analyzing the data! Give it a try with colors of shoes or M&M colors or plant growth- it is amazing what they learn!
