Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Jennifer Burke's Chapter 5 Reflection

1 Idea or Learning
Before reading this chapter, I did not think of having journal writing take place by using Word Processing. There can be a separate file for each student to go back to make new entries or add to old ones. Kindergarten entries can be whole group driven; in addition, entries can cover what is being learned, celebrations, and overall reflections. Entries can revolve around themes, standard's concepts, improvements, and celebrations. Also, I could meet with each student and create a file to discuss goals, need for improvement, and accomplishments.

1 Idea for Integration
Using Kid Pix students can create a picture and label. This will introduce the keyboard with more meaning. Also, to further address this lesson, students can draw to pictures, side by side, and discuss similarities and differences. In addition, a student can look at simple pictures with C-V-C words and type in the words, such as cat and rat.

1 Concern
Perhaps I am more old school regarding my concern. It seems to me that there is a personal connection that can be lost when people communicate ideas directly via Word Processor. Do you think most people still use paper/pencil and then utilize computer technology for storage of words? Or maybe it enhances creativity and the ability to communicate due to familiarization of technology.


  1. Jennifer, good questions! I think students are just expecting to use keyboarding since so many already use computer keyboards for games, email, etc. My four year old grandson does not know the keys, but he loves to press the different keys to see the results! We use a word processor, enlarge the font, and he types letters! Sometimes we add images from clipart to illustrate the word or letter!
    Let us know how it goes if you try a word processor activity- it helps to have older student helpers or parents come help individual students.
    Thanks for your ideas!

  2. Jennifer,
    Your comment on having kids use a word processing document to replace traditional journaling makes me wonder where this technological-reform is taking our education...or how it is going to change the traditional ways of the classroom. I believe that in the big picture, computer-based technology is a new thing. It will would be interesting to see a few decades into the future...will handwriting class become obsolete??
    -Dave Neal
