Thursday, November 26, 2009

Alicia McEwen's Chapter 5 Reflection

Learning Point:
Chapter 5 made me realize that word processing really is a valuable tool for students to become acquanted with. It allows students to experience communication through written form in a very powerful and productive way. Students will need adequate word processing skills to perform in their future education and employment, as well as to efficiently communicate with the world around them. I think it's a great idea to teach young kids keyboarding skills and to allow them to use word processing to learn writing and communication skills.
New Idea for Integration
I love having my students engage in creative writing! My first grade class writes to their pen pals every other week and they are currently working on writing Christmas stories. They also seem to enjoy learning how to express their thoughts and ideas through writing. At this point I am having them write with pencil and paper. At this level it's important for them to develop adequate handwriting skills. They are also still learning proper sentence and grammar structure. However, later in the year I would like my students to try writing their pen pal letters and final drafts of their short stories with word processing. I have gradually been trying to allow my students to learn to manuever the keyboard by having them type their weekly spelling words. It's definately a work in progress, but I think by the end of the year they will be up for the challenge. They enjoy both expressing their thoughts and computer time so much that I think it will be a great all around learning experience.
My Concern
My concern for teaching my kids word processing skills is again, not having enough time and available computers. The school I teach at has one computer lab. We have one designated
time slot of 30 minutes per week. Another concern I have is not knowing how to accurately teach word processing skills to 1st graders. Professional development and more available time and computers would be helpful!


  1. Alicia,
    I think when teaching students at such a young age you really must scaffold the instruction to meet the age level. I think it is important to set a goal. What do you want your students to be able to accomplish when teaching word processing. Then begin small and build upon these lessons until you reach your goal. I think that time and accessibily to the computer lab is limited which makes it difficult to really practice new skills. I have found that having parent helpers really helps when teaching a new skill and reduces teacher stress when there are 18 hands raised at once wanting help.
    Lore Sampson

  2. Alicia,
    Great suggestions from Lore! I truly don't know how you do the keyboarding with your students unless you get some help from parents or older students. Penpal projects are so good for so many types of learning.
