Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Lore Sampson's Chapter 11 Reflection

Chapter 11-Models and Strategies for Technology-Infused Lessons

Three ideas or learning from the reading

This chapter presented many valuable models for teaching instruction. The first model mentioned was direct instruction. This model has five phases of instruction the introduction, presentation, structured practice, guided practice and independent practice. After reading this section of the chapter I noticed that the lesson in our reading curriculum uses direct instruction when introducing a new topic. Direct instruction has its benefits or affordances as well as its limitations. Some of these constraints include teacher centered lessons with little opportunity for students to explore or be creative. The next model presented includes the inquiry- based instruction model. I like this model because it helps students develop problem solving skills that are important when conducting a science experiment or working through a math problem. This model is very hands-on and gives students the chance to experiment and to explore. The last model I would like to describe is effective demonstration. I like the teaching model effective demonstration because it includes direct instruction or modeling as well as hands-on activities. The teacher ultimately demonstrates the lesson or skill they want their students to learn. Then the teacher can have the students follow their verbal instructions while the students walk through the activity. I like this model because teachers can extend the lesson by having students explain how they conducted the lesson on their own.

Two new ideas for integrating technology

The first idea I had for implementing technology in my instruction was using technology to teach reading. In our reading series the students where asked to read a story called Click, Clack, Moo. I found a video of this story and I brought my reading class to the lab where they viewed the video on the LCD projector. The video had the written story in caption so that the students could read along with the narrator. I liked this activity because all of the students where very engaged and excited to hear the story and it was something different than the normal routine. After the story was over we discussed the story as a whole group. The other idea I had for integrating technology was in my math class. Today I had the students help teach the problem of the day on the overhead. My class really enjoyed coming up to the front of the class and teaching their peers.

One concern about integrating technology
My main concern about integrating technology is being able to scaffold student’s learning of technology while they are learning important content areas.

1 comment:

  1. Lore,
    You have such good ideas for using technology in your classroom. Often, I talk to teachers about the concern of teaching the technology or teaching the content. You can only take one step at a time and sometimes it does help to teach the use of the technology first if you have time. Hopefully, we'll hear from other teachers and how they do it!
    Thank you for your comments!
