Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Chapter 5 Reflection by Jamie Pool

As I was reading chapter five: Writing and Word Processing, I was interested in the information about using word processing as a productivity tool. I believe it is also very important to use a variety of formats sp students can have a wide range of choice when it comes to technology. Completing an assignment in many different formats helps students build upon problem solving and critical thinking skills.
The activity about the metric units is a great way to get students engaged in learning about inches, feet, and yards. Having each student create their own table and inputting the information is a great way get students to begin to understand a variety of ways to complete an assignment. I really liked how each student imputed their information and then passed it on to a friend so the friend could see how their table was different then the one they created. This would be a great lesson for third grade.
My main concern is having enough time in the computer lab to complete the assignment. Since I only have access to the computer lab once a week what would the best solution be? I think this activity might take more than an hour especially for third grade students.


  1. Jamie,
    I agree with you on not having enough time in the computer lab to complete assignments with students. I am in the same situation and I wish we had atleast four computers in our classrooms to increase accessibility. I think the only solution is to try to use the computer lab in the morning when it is open. The problem with this solution is it may run into times when you are teaching other important content areas. Another thought I had was to try to apply for several computers through the Indian Education Grant. The problem with this solution is we can only have so many computers licensed and connected to the server at our school. Hopefully, having a new Superintendent who is for technology we will have some positive changes in our school.

  2. The last comment was by Lore Sampson.

  3. Jamie, just think of what we could accomplish if we just had more time! It is too bad that we have to spend precious time writing grants as Lore said. But, that seems to be the only way sometimes. I have worked with schools that have the portable laptop carts and they like it! (As long as the prior teacher remembers to charge the batteries for the next teacher!) Even though you may not have the equipment right now, you do have the creative ideas for activities and you'll be ready!
