Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Jennifer Burke Chapter 13

1 Idea or Learning
It is quite magnificent how technology has changed and evolved to determine how our world works. Long ago, communication took place verbally and through pictographs. Communication then evolved to written papers and letters. Today, many people use their computers, internet and phone to do all the communicating. Education has changed too; education is more student-centered with an emphasis on technology and real-life application. This month my students are learning about pilgrims and we are discussing how life has changed. In some ways it is unbelievable how different times are compared to back then. Not only is it difficult for my kindergartens to grasp these major changes, I feel disconnected from the reality that life was so challenging and without all of our current conveniences. Even assessments have moved toward being technology based. Many teachers have websites for the parents to check for curriculum, plans, etc. For older students and adults, tests are taken on computers.
1 New Idea for Integrating Technology
Next week, I plan to use www.starfall during our computer time and as a whole class experience the turkey activity offered. When we are done, we will write a whole class story and create hand print turkeys for the border. This lesson will incorporate many subjects and should be engaging for the kindergarteners.
1 Concern
The concern that surfaced after reading chapter 13 deals with time and education. I sincerely feel that I do not have enough time to teach all the curriculum in an optimally way as is. Even in kindergarten we have a plethora of material to cover. With the aforementioned in mind, I understand that I need to integrate technology into what I am already doing, but feel that I need more experience and education to do so. Hopefully, this class will continue to guide me successfully toward teaching technology in and meaningful manner.


  1. I am a bit detached from elementary education except for my 3rd grade daughter. I am amazed at how they are in charge of their learning specifically with technology. She came home the other day and signed onto some keyboarding site. She was able to sign in and continue from previous times. They are doing great things at an early age and believe they have to keep up with this fast moving world.

  2. Jennifer,
    I agree with you. It is so hard to get into the computer lab if you don't have any of the tools needed for technology. I am fortunate to have a SMART board. Last year I taught kindergarten and it was nearly impossible to get technology in my lesson planning. We wen tto the computer lab once a week, and sometimes we couldn't even do that because there was testing in there. Since I have gotten my SMART board, I feel that I hve more of an opportunity to provide my students with a technology rich environment.
    Jamie Pool

  3. Jennifer, I hope that you can get your hands on a SmartBoard for use with your students! It is such a great way to integrate technology with young students. Also, if you could get even one laptop to use, you can find great educational games on the web for free. The games reinforce learning of so many content areas and students love them! Thank you for your excellent reflection. Joan
