Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Lore Sampson's Chapter 12 Reflections

Chapter 12-Designing, Implementing, and Reflecting on Instruction with Technology

Three ideas or learning from the reading
After reading this chapter I found that there are important planning inputs that teachers need to consider when designing instruction with technology. The first input presented is that teachers need to have knowledge of the content they are going to teach for it to be effective. This is important because teachers need to be aware of the objectives or learning targets in order to teach their students. By having this understanding teachers can relate the information to students in real world context which makes learning the topic more meaningful. The next input is that teachers need to have knowledge of technology and that technology can act as tool for which the content is learned. I think it is important to consider various technologies when teaching content in order to enhance the lesson and keep it engaging. The last input is that teachers need to have knowledge of teaching and learning to meet the needs of all learners. Teachers need to be versed on the many ways students learn such as visual, auditory, and tactile learners. I am excited to use more technology in my instruction that is engaging and motivating for my students.

Two new ideas for integrating technology
The first idea I have for integrating technology would be to implement it within an art lesson. The art lesson would be learning the primary colors and the color wheel. I think it would be fantastic to use a LCD projector or a SMART board to present students with a large picture of the color wheel. The next idea I have is using an overhead to teach how primary colors can be mixed to make secondary colors. I would use the overhead to project the mixing process. I would put six baby food jars with water in them on the overhead. I would then drop food coloring in the jars to show the primary colors. Then I would use food coloring to show the secondary colors. The students will be able to see the colors mixing and changing to make the secondary colors.

One concern about integrating technology
The main concern I had after reading this chapter is finding the time to close a lesson. I find that it is difficult to introduce, guide and have time for practical application of the new skill learned. Then being able to bring my students back to reality and reflect on the new skill.


  1. I understand the concern of time for all aspects included in a lesson plan. In my class time I have to have 5 minutes at the end of each class for clean-up, plus the time for the students to get their materials and equipment ready leaving 40 minutes of instructional time. I have to plan my time well but the many aspects of the lesson plan in the text are too many. Maybe if I could get a block schedule.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Lore,

    I too find it hard to find adequate time for closure activities. I think it's important to reinforce the skills taught during that lesson, however as you have mentioned not having enough time often becomes the issue. What I have found myself doing more and more is just reinforcing the skills through quick reviews or "line up games." For example, in math one day this week, we learned about doubles so as we were getting ready to transition to lunch, I gave each child a number and they would have to tell me its double before they could line-up. These games may not be as beneficial as some other closure activities, but I feel better about allowing a my students to at least quickly recap on the skill than not at all.

  4. Sorry, I forgot to type my name. The comment previous to this was written by Alicia McEwen.

  5. Lore,
    Sounds like you got some good ideas for closing a lesson from Micheal and Alicia. The time management issue is huge, especially when your students are so happily involved in the project!
    Thank you for you ideas and thoughts!
