Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Reflection from Jamie Pool for Chapter Four

Chapter Four Technology Standards for Students has many great ideas that interest my teaching with technology. Niess, Lee, and Kajder (2007) say that an “Important concern in each teacher’s planning is to consider the variety of ways to integrate each technology as a tool for learning and communicating within the context of the specific content” (p. 57). I believe for most teachers being able to fit technology into our hectic schedule is a concern, however I think that integrating technology within each content area that we teach is essential. If we think of teaching technology by itself, we are never going to accomplish the task, but if integrate technology in math, science, social studies etc, we will be able achieve these goals. It is easy for me to say, because I have a SMART board in my classroom, but days that teachers go into the computer lab they can have students working on a math assignment that also meets a technology standard. Integrating technology is the key to getting students more familiar with how it is used in everyday learning.
Another great learning tool that I thought was valuable is Standard III Technology Productivity Tools. I am a teacher that is all about imagination and creating activities that are engaging for my students. This technology standard helps teachers guide students in exploring creative works, designing, and publishing the piece of work that they have created. I see this content standard coming in handy in language arts, science, and social studies. There are so many great software programs out there that can help students be creative and manipulate different objects or images. They also can begin to turn photos into movies. This would be a great assignment to give students if the resources were available to them.
I think that the performance indicators in this chapter are a great tool for teachers to use when creating lessons. These are guidelines that help teachers to produce lessons that are engaging and full of learning about and with technology. These performance indicators can become great tools for administrators and teachers in designing curriculum. Before beginning this class, I really didn’t even think there were standards or performance indicators for technology, now I am able to help other teachers understand the importance of integrating technology into the curriculum.
Two ideas that I would like to try in my class, is create a language arts activity that involves Technology Standard III. I think this would really engage students in wanting to know more about technology and what it has to offer in education today. I would like to have my students take pictures of their fellow classmates acting out a story that we have read in class. Then they could take the photos that they took and turn them into a video. They would just love this activity and they would be learning not only about language arts, but the importance of technology.
The other goal that I have for this school year is to write down at least two technology standards a week in my lesson plans. This will make me more aware of learning about technology and it will help my students understand the importance of technology in our ever changing society.
The one question that I have after reading this chapter is what are the basic skills that students need to know? Are these standards split into different grade levels, so we can see what specific ideas they need to learn each year?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Jamie,
    Here is a link to the MT technology standards from OPI web site, http://www.opi.mt.gov/pdf/standards/09TechELE.pdf
    It does list benchmarks, essential learning and vocabulary for each grade, as well as giving specific information for each standard. The assessments and material and resources are still being developed and should be done by 2010. I copied the content standards for grade 3.
    Content Standard 1. A student must use digital tools and resources for problem solving and decision making.
    Content Standard 2. A student must collaborate and communicate globally in a digital environment.
    Content Standard 3. A student must apply digital tools and skills with creativity and innovation to express his/herself, construct knowledge and develop products and processes.
    Content Standard 4. A student must possess a functional understanding of technology concepts and operations.


  3. Yeah, I did find it. It is really funny, because until this class I wasn't really aware of them. When I was in college I didn't get taught the technology information. Thanks

  4. Jamie, Cathy gave you the place to go for Montana Technology standards and yes, the benchmarks. Thank you Cathy! Do you have iMovie at your school? That would be perfect for making your photo project- students add the photos to the new event, then narrate. They can easily add music for the background by clicking on jingles and selecting music they like. If you have access to iMovie, let me know and I can send some easy directions and also a great video tutorial.
    You have such good ideas!
