Monday, November 30, 2009

Cathy Ziebarth Week 6 Chapter 7

Chapter 7 Week 6 Learning with and about the Internet and Databases

Due to the potential danger, the social, ethical and human issues section of this chapter is of great importance. We teach kids safety throughout their life, but we may fall short when it comes to addressing the potential dangers the Internet could hold. Kids feel invincible and believe they are protected while on line and may unwittingly give out personal information. Parents may be intimidated by chat room lingo, the technology or social networking. Perhaps television shows such as Catch a Predator have created more awareness of the seriousness of this issue, but we cannot become complacent. I believe if we have students in front of computers and allow them access to the internet we are obligated to teach them internet safety, and be constantly aware of where they are going on the Internet. Observation software such as Synchroneyes helps a great deal to monitor student work. We must talk to students about Internet etiquette and classroom expectations. Schools must have an Internet policy that will ensure student safety.

I have explored various Internet safety programs and settled upon an iSafe program because of its high standards, law enforcement and educational endorsements, no nonsense approach, and appropriate grade level presentations. Previously the program was free, but there is now a fee to use the materials. I have requested that our school purchase the program-we are going to use funds from a Drug Free Grant. I did go through the process of becoming a certified iSafe instructor, but I don’t have access to all the students in our school, so we are going to use the program in the health classes so all students are exposed. iSafe also addresses cyberbullying and frequently updates their lesson plans and videos.

My concern is that kids are growing up so fast. I know that has probably been said with every generation, but there is so much potential for harm-through unsupervised chat rooms, peer cyberbullying, pictures and information posted on social networking sites-that never goes away. I believe technology has huge benefits and is absolutely necessary in the classroom, but I worry about the potential dangers for our students.


  1. Cathy, My students and I talk about Catch a Predator and it makes such an impact on them on the importance of educating students and parents! Just like the Kick a Ginger day on a program that parents should not have even allowed their students to be on! Where are parents!
    There are some great web sites to help students, teachers and parents! Sounds like you have taken it even farther by becoming certified to teach the iSafe program.
    Thank you!

  2. Cathy,
    It is so important to teach students about Internet safety. It seems that students get a lot of information from school and home about general safety and peer pressure, but not relating to the Internet. Since our students are growing up with the Internet, we need to be addressing peer pressure and unsafe issues they might encounter. I think a lot of times students and parents do not know about some of the risks out there. Good job getting iSafe information for your school. Jennifer Atkinson
