Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Alicia McEwen's Chapter 3 Reflection

Chapter 3 was interesting in the fact that it discussed how technology is quickly changing education. The "how we teach" and "what we teach" is focusing more on educating our students to become "life-long learners" who can compete in a technological world. The information presented in this chapter reminded me of some of the comments I have heard from co-workers in regards to the dramatic changes they have seen in education in just the past 20-30 years. Some of them have told me they often feel overwhelmed by the changes. This being only my fourth year of teaching, I entered the profession at a time where the implementation of new technological devices and the drive to improve test scores seem to be part of the norm. With the amazingly quick changes we are seeing in the advances of technolgy and how they are impacting the job force, it's quite obvious that we do need to prepare our students to be successful users of technology. Chapter 3 reinforced my notion of the importance of teaching my students various forms of communication. It's a little sad to agree with the fact that paper and pencil handwritten letters are no longer a major form of communication. I do however understand why that has become so, and also agree that we need to teach in ways that foster the implementing of technology and allow our students to be active, successful learners.

After reading chapter 3 I have been thinking of additional ways I can use technology to enhance my current curriculum. One of my ideas will be to expose my students to digital photography. One way I plan on doing this is taking pictures during our science unit on plants. I will take pictures of each of the major stages of a growing bean plant (seed - full plant). I will have my students reflect on the pictures and write about their observations at each stage. Another goal I have set is to begine using the Harcourt Math computer program that goes along with our curriculum. This program would be a great way to allow my students practice their math skills while using technology.

My main concern for this chapter is: How are teachers going to recieve proper training in all of these new technolgical advances?

1 comment:

  1. Alicia,
    I share the same concern about recieving proper training in all of the new technologies. I think that it is important for school administrators to be current on these advances in order for teachers to recieve training opportunities. A way that I plan to attain training in computer based technologies is to sign up for some of the 4 T's classes we have at our school. This is a great way to learn about new technologies and we get paid to attend!I hope to explore new technologies through communicating with colleagues, searching the internet or attending professional inservices geared toward expanding our knowledge of these new advances.

    Lore Sampson
