Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Alicia McEwen's Chapter 4 Reflection

After reading chapter 4 I am more amazed with the endless possibilities of how we can use technology to enhance our curriculums. I liked the brief description on the use of a Geometer's Pad. I also think the suggestion of using Sim City to promote higher order of thinking is a very intersting idea. Programs like this allow students to apply real life applications into a virtual world of learning. In regards to technology standards, I am curious as to how much more specific these will get in the next couple of years. With the amazingly fast rate of technological advances, it seems like we will need to continuosly review what we are doing to be sure our students keep up with being successful users of modern technology. I like the idea of teaching them how to use technology to enhance their productivity and creativity.

I would like to begin to familarize my first grade students with the keyboard letters and functions. I plan on using a projector to show them how to navigate their keyboards. Most of them have the bsaics down, but need to be taught how to space, capitalize, delete, and so forth. Once they feel comfortable with the functions on the keyboard, I plan on having them compose sentences and practice their spelling words on their computers. My other idea is to allow my students to explore digital storytelling. I think it would be great to find digital stories that relate to the upcoming holidays. I sometimes struggle with coming up with adequate material to teach Hunnakah and Kawanza. I think digital stories would be a great addition to teach my students about these holidays.

The irony of integrating more technology into our curriculums is the fact that we often say our kids these days are already getting too much screen time. How do we know when too much becomes counterproductive in the long run?


  1. I also enjoyed the section that discussed real-life applications of technology. It is almost scary how fast technology changes. Just when you think you have a grasp there is a new program or machine. I love the idea of utilizing digital stories as well. When I taught kindergarten in Phoenix my class would often times use the Smartboard to view and engage themselves in stories read by authors. Your concern is valid and the same as mine. I find that many of my students, even in kindergarten, go home and play video games instead of going outside to play.

  2. Alicia,
    I hope to introduce my students to the letters and keyboard functions as well. I believe that by using the keyboard to find letters, it will help strengthen their letter naming skills. Once I teach my students how to use the keyboard to type letters, I hope to teach a lesson where I say a sound, and they have to find the key with the letter that makes that sound to also strengthen their letter sounds skills. After they are familiar with sounds and letters, I would love to practice spelling sight words, word family sets, label drawings, etc. For math the other day, I had them type the numbers one through ten and insert pictures from kid picks to show the amount each number represented. For example, after typing the number four, they would insert four suns and so forth. I am very excited to expand the activities I already do with my students in the computer lab so they see the endless opportunities technology presents!

  3. Alicia,
    I hope to introduce my students to the letters and keyboard functions as well. I believe that by using the keyboard to find letters, it will help strengthen their letter naming skills. Once I teach my students how to use the keyboard to type letters, I hope to teach a lesson where I say a sound, and they have to find the key with the letter that makes that sound to also strengthen their letter sounds skills. After they are familiar with sounds and letters, I would love to practice spelling sight words, word family sets, label drawings, etc. For math the other day, I had them type the numbers one through ten and insert pictures from kid picks to show the amount each number represented. For example, after typing the number four, they would insert four suns and so forth. I am very excited to expand the activities I already do with my students in the computer lab so they see the endless opportunities technology presents!

    Kate (Sorry, I am still getting used to using this blog spot correctly, so I wanted to post it again so you knew that the response was from me and not Lore).

  4. Alicia, you have great ideas to try in your classroom. If you have a SmartBoard check out this site for ideas for young people and ideas for so many content areas.
    Please keep sharing what you are doing in your classroom!
